BBC America Promotional Item - Dr. Who Tattoo Sleeve
Tattoo Sleeve for BBC America featuring Dr. Who
Dr. Who Tattoo Sleeve
BBC America Promotional Giveaway at San Diego Comic Con International - 2011
BBC America Promotional Giveaway at San Diego Comic Con International - 2011
August 2011 - BBC America contacted me through my NYC Rep to create a one of a kind custom printed tattoo sleeve for a giveaway promotion they were doing at San Diego Comic Con International. My Rep called me on Thursday, and the project was due on Monday morning. There were numerous complications around my schedule but I am extremely proud to say that not only did I turn it in on time - I was blessed with 1st round approval of the finish by the regional, national, and international Creative Directors in under 2 hours!

The funny thing was that my Rep had barely heard of Dr. Who and I actually have a booth at Comic Con every year. No Matt Smith didn't visit my booth - but I did find this awesome video of Karen and him wearing them and declaring they were the best part of the entire con!